Ders Gold up en tem Clouds! Is cloud computing the next gold rush or just another hype curve?
Les Paul: A Tribute to a Music Legend and Inventor
Verification & Validation: 2 of the “Five” V’s of iNPD
Screening the Concept Statements to the next phase: Feasibility and Definition
Idea Screening: Ideas, Ideas and more Ideas!
How do we come up with good new product ideas?
Will the new Seventh D of NPPDI Please Stand Up?
Grandpa and the Remote Controls
Gaining Insight by Being a Prosumer
What Does the “i” in iNPD Stand For?
The Seven D’s of Product Planning
What is Product Planning Anyway?
The Innovators Dilemma: Christensen
Before Leaving Diffusion Model:
Crossing the Chasm: Safe crossing or a death fall?
The Diffusion of Innovation – What it is and where it began.